A list of interesting articles about the history of County Wexford.
History of Wexford Town.
A condensed guide to the history of Wexford Town; a Viking settlement that has evolved throughout the ages.
Wexford Prison Records.
Read about some of the crimes that were committed in County Wexford during the 19th century! Examples include the stealing of whiskey, as well as the arrests of people that were suspected of being “strolling vagrants”.
Yola Dialect.
The “Yola Dialect” was a dialect of English that was spoken in southern Wexford baronies of Forth and Bargy. The language was wiped out in the mid-1800s.
The Wexford Workhouse.
The Wexford Workhouse was a place where the poor and destitute could go to live. Later, it was used as a hospital building by the HSE.
Wexford’s Town Wall.
Learn about the history of Wexford’s town wall; a defensive structure that was built after the Normans captured the town in the 12th century.
Wexford Gaol.
Wexford Gaol was used as a prison throughout the 1800s. Although most of its prisoners were petty criminals, executions were sometimes carried out in front of the gaol.
The Friary.
The Franciscan Friary in Wexford was founded during the middle of the 13th Century. At one point, it served as the main parish church of Wexford Town.
Wexford Courthouse.
The old Wexford Courthouse was situated on Wexford’s Commercial Quay, directly across from the town-side entrance of Wexford Bridge.
Republican Garden of Remembrance.
Situated on Hill Street in Wexford Town, the Republican Garden of Remembrance marks the spot where three anti-treaty IRA men were executed by the Free State government.
Ferrycarrig Castle.
In Ferrycarrig, you will wind a Norman tower house that was constructed back in the 1400s. This fortified stone tower was built in order to protect boat traffic that was travelling along the River Slaney.
Selskar Abbey.
Selskar Abbey is a ruined medieval abbey that was built during the 1100s. It was here that the first Anglo-Irish treaty was signed back in 1169.
St. Patrick’s Church.
At the end of High Street in Wexford Town, you will find St. Patrick’s Church, which is one of the oldest Christian ecclesiastical sites in the town. The graveyard that surrounds it contains the headless body of a famous Irish revolutionary called John Henry Colclough.
Carrig Graveyard.
Carrig Graveyard in Wexford acts as the final resting spot for many of those who died during the Irish Rebellion of 1798.
Redmond Park.
Redmond Park is a scenic spot that was opened in memory of Major Willie Redmond, who was an Irish nationalist politician and soldier. Redmond died during World War One after he was shot in the leg and wrist.
The Vallotton Monument.
The Vallotton Monument on the Newtown Road in Wexford was (controversially) built in memory of a British army officer that was killed in 1793. This monument marks the spot where Major Charles Vallotton was killed during an altercation with Irish rebels.
Wexford Castle.
Wexford Castle was once situated in the Barrack Street area of Wexford Town.
The Paupers’ Graveyard.
The Paupers’ Graveyard is a 19th century cemetery that catered for the poor and destitute. The unfortunate souls that were buried here were laid to rest in unmarked plots.
Wexford’s Bullring.
The Bullring has been home to a bustling market place for hundreds of years. The area got its name from a blood sport called Bull-baiting.
Wexford Bridge.
Wexford Bridge marks the spot where a number of people were executed during the 1798 Rebellion. Over the years, it has been demolished and re-built.
Wexford Quay.
Wexford’s iconic quay-front was once the sixth busiest port in the Republic of Ireland. The sorrounding harbour became difficult to traverse when a change in tidal flows led to the build-up of silt.
Keyser’s Lane, Wexford.
Keyser’s Lane is a historic Norse-built laneway that is located in the centre of Wexford Town.
Westgate Tower.
The medieval tower in Selskar is Wexford’s only surviving town gate. Interestingly-enough, “West Gate” isn’t its true name…
Rathaspeck Church.
The cemetery in Rathaspeck Church holds the body of United Irishman Cornelius Grogan, who was executed in the aftermath of the 1798 rebellion.
The Wexford Chronicles.
Articles and small tidbits about the history of Wexford. The material in this section includes old letters, historic accounts and photographs.
Ferrycarrig’s “Round Tower”.
The round tower in Ferrycarrig, Wexford was built as a memorial in the mid-1800s for those who died in the Crimea War. This imposing structure is often mistaken by passersby for being a medieval Irish round tower.
St. Peter’s Church.
St. Peter’s church and graveyard was once located in the Peter’s Square area of Wexford Town. Nowadays, the remains of this medieval parish no longer exists.
Wexford’s Leper Hospital.
St. Mary Magdalene’s church and leprosy hospital was situated in the Maudlintown area of Wexford Town.
Wexford Surnames.
A list of some of the most common surnames in County Wexford.
Wexford Train Station.
The train station in Wexford was opened on Monday, the 17th of August, 1874.