The Census of Ireland 2011 provides us with some interesting insights into the population of Wexford Town – especially when the data is sorted and visualised on an interactive map.
Here are a few interesting facts that we were able to glean from the 2011 census:
The areas with the highest percentage of single people are Lus Mor in Whiterock Hill (75%) and Cluain Dara (75%). These two areas are followed by a section of Clonard Village (72%).
Mulgannon and Hillcrest contain the highest percentage of married people (55%).
The area around Wexford’s town centre contains the highest percentage of divorced people (9%). This area includes the apartments at Key West, parts of North Main Street, parts of South Main Street and Henrietta Street. This particular area also has the highest percentage of apartments in Wexford Town (71%).
Parts of Maudlintown and the area around Rocklands have the highest percentage of widowed people (23%).
The areas with the highest percentage of males are Upper George’s Street, Mount George, Abbey Street and John’s Gate Street (58%).
The areas with the highest percentage of females are Spawell Road and Redmond Road (64%). This is closely followed by Priory Court (63%).
Elderly people.
The areas with the highest percentage of 65+ year olds are Parklands, parts of Hill Street and parts of Spawell Road.
Population change.
Between 2006 and 2011, the population around Wexford’s town centre decreased by 3-9%. In contrast, residential estates on the outskirts of Wexford saw a population increase of 10%. The area around Barntown saw a large increase of 21% between 2006 and 2011.

Yellow = Population decreased. Green and Blue = Population increased.
Irish nationals.
The areas with the smallest percentage of Irish nationals are Melrose Court and Abbey Court on George’s Street (45%).
The areas with the smallest percentage of Catholics are The Estuary and Redmond Cove (58%). This area also contains the highest percentage of people that selected “No Religion” on the census form (20%).
Family size (6+ persons).
Families in Ferndale Park tend to be larger, with 13% of families in the area having six or more persons. This is followed by Wolfe Tone Villas and Whitemill Road (10%).
A deprivation index attempts to measure the level of deprivation in an area. According to the 2011 Census, the most deprived areas in Wexford are Hantoon Road, Antelope Road and Harbour View. This area also contains the highest percentage of unskilled workers in Wexford (19%).
Lone mothers.
Ferndale Park has the highest percentage of lone mothers (32%).
Oldest houses.
64% of the houses in Carrigeen Street, Thomas Street and parts of Grogan’s Road were built before 1919. This is followed by School Street, High Street and Mary Street (58%).
Owner-occupied houses.
Owner-occupied houses are houses that are occupied by the owner (i.e. the house is not being rented out by a landlord). The highest percentage of owner-occupied houses are in Corish Park and Whiterock View (88%).
The lowest percentage of owner-occupied properties are in the areas around Melrose Court, Abbey Court, Key West, North Main Street and South Main Street (14%).
Mulgannon and Hillcrest have the highest percentage of “professional workers” at 14%.
Skilled manual workers.
Parts of Shannon Court and Ferndale Park have the highest percentage of skilled manual workers (25%).
Unskilled workers.
The areas around Hantoon Road, Antelope Road, Harbour View, Whitemill Road and Wolfe Tone Villas have the highest percentage of unskilled workers (19%).
74% of people in Cluain Dara marked their health as “Very Good”. This is followed by parts of Mount Prospect and Heathfield (70%).
In contrast, only 34% of people on Lower John Street, Thomas Clarke Place and Francis Street marked their health as “Very Good”.
“No car.”
The highest percentage of households with no car are situated in Lower George’s Street, Skeffington Street, Well Lane, Monck Street and parts of North Main Street (77%). It is worth noting that car owners may avoid these areas due to the lack of private parking.
Internet access.
58% of households in Lower John Street, Thomas Clarke Place and Francis Street have no Internet access of any kind. This is closely followed by streets such as Monck Street, Skeffington Street and Lower George’s Street (57%). In contrast, only 6% of households in estates such as Whiterock Heights, Ard Na Cuan and Ard Uisce had no Internet access.
Source: AIRO Census Mapping Module.